Welcome to Your Guide for Effective Meetings with Legislators

This page is your one-stop resource to prepare for impactful conversations with your legislators. Inside, you’ll find everything you need: summaries of proposed bills, logistics for scheduling and conducting meetings, printable leave-behind materials, and a recording of the call that explains it all.

If you take away just one thing from this page, let it be this: meeting with your legislators is simpler and more effective than you think. But don’t just read—act! Use these tools to schedule a meeting with your legislator, whether in your hometown or at your state capital, and make your voice heard where it counts.

click here to find your House representative contact information

click here to find your Senator Contact information

Click here to see the changes we want to keep Non US Citizens off our Voter Rolls

What are the five bills we are asking for?
  •   SB1602 (Updated) – Strengthens voter registration checks to remove non-citizens, deceased individuals, and out-of-state movers from rolls.

  • HB1669 (Updated) – Implements strict ballot chain-of-custody standards and identity verification for vote-by-mail ballots.

  • New Bill 1 – Promotes single-day voting with hand-counting and tighter controls to ensure accurate results.

  • New Bill 2 – Increases transparency and accountability in vote-by-mail ballot processing through procedural audits and reconciliation.

  • Draft #90414 (Updated) – Secures election technology against hacking and manipulation with advanced cross-checking and contingency plans. 

  • A PowerPoint you can use  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1smCQTxoR2MjuY6h9Nxn_JUY-wt7jWBjn/view
  • A 2 Page document to print and leave behind with your legislators https://docs.google.com/document/d/1716B3xnXjYGyWSuQjLJRvMTOy9o6u5YJCJ-0lC_a-VU/edit?tab=t.0
Summary and Video Explanation of the Bills

A short summary of each bill

Video explanation of each bill

SB1602 (Updated) – Strengthens voter registration checks to remove non-citizens, deceased individuals, and out-of-state movers from rolls.  Click Here

HB1669 (Updated) – Implements strict ballot chain-of-custody standards and identity verification for vote-by-mail ballots.
Short (9  min):  https://1drv.ms/v/s!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga077MuPMGV70J5_wg?e=Y7ueva

Full: (24 min)  https://1drv.ms/v/s!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga0-PI_a6fNKeuy8gw?e=QANYYC

New Proposed Bill 1 – Promotes single-day voting with hand-counting and tighter controls to ensure accurate results. Plus New Bill 2 – Increases transparency and accountability in vote-by-mail ballot processing through procedural audits and reconciliation.

Why Needed (4 min): https://youtu.be/w3_0x6oaDmI?si=H5eHZ-GoOqx4GkEi

Process & Feasibility (8 min):  https://vimeo.com/899350178

Full (6 hrs): https://rumble.com/v5fwx99-train-the-trainer-hand-count-mastery.html

* Cost comparison: 13:18 to 18:38 (5.33 min)

* Objections to hand counting addressed: 18.39 – 39:46

Draft #90414 (Updated) – Secures election technology against hacking and manipulation with advanced cross-checking and contingency plans. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga09jq-ImEMDmtoBBg?e=DFL1SH

Bonus Training

How to track your bills/legislators

Is Florida Really the Gold Standard?  https://docs.google.com/document/d/14UQz9M31GAFc1v9u0HkIP3g48XZOZAt1uB_s5nw0cRw/edit?tab=t.0 

Using Perplexity.AI to research (when using AI – verify all the information) – Fidlar (The company that prints ballots – you will be shocked at the conflict of interests shown here between election officials and executives of this company) – click this link and then scroll half way down the page https://www.perplexity.ai/search/what-does-fiddler-printing-do-tF7ATKmORAGuC1KBlQlDWQ 

Using Perplexity.AI  to research – Cathedral Printing – Suprisingly – the big ballot printing company is run by Mega Doners for one of the political parties! https://www.perplexity.ai/page/cathedral-ballot-company-owner-2VseF42WTR2BYxrh8j9OjQ 

Bonus - Logistics

Where to stay, park and meet (Tallahassee Florida) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f_szOsHIftLox5iemutpBf83CyoqQPWzZpffIHLGwPM/edit?tab=t.0 

Join the Telegram App to connect with others working on this project https://t.me/+5x4FmziSFn9kYmMx 

Vistors Guide with Map of the Capital (Tallahassee)  https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.floridanurse.org/resource/resmgr/Visitors_Guide_FLStateCapito.pdf 


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